
English - 29 -
Digital Text
The digital text services are the up to date way of viewing
service information.
These services are free to anyone using a digital televi-
sion, however; they are not available for all digital stations
and are dependent on the broadcaster.
Simply using the coloured buttons on the remote control
and , , and make navigating quick and easy..
Analogue Text
Before using the text services the required language region
must be chosen.
Select Teletext Language from the FEATURE menu.
Press the Left or Right button to choose the required
language region.
PC Audio In
Blue Background
Menu Background
Menu Timeout
TXT Language
After the teletext language is selected, press EXIT..
The Text button:
To view text services press . Press again to
superimpose text over a normal broadcast picture. Press
again to return to normal viewing. Programmes cannot be
changed until text is cancelled.
The first text page shown will be the initial page.
Any text page can be accessed by entering the 3 digit page
number using the numbered buttons, pressing the coloured
buttons or pressing to advance to the next page and
to go back to the previous page.
Four coloured titles will appear at the base of the screen. To
access one of the four given subjects, press the relevant
coloured button on the remote control.
For further information on your particular text system(s),
see the broadcast text index page or, consult your local
Toshiba dealer.
Below is a guide to the functions of the remote control text
To display an initial page:
Press to access an initial page. The one displayed is
dependant on the broadcaster.
To access sub-pages:
If a text page has sub-pages, press and enter the
subpage numbers 01,02,03 etc. which can be selected
using / buttons at the bottom of the text page
under the coloured links
To reveal concealed text:
To discover the solutions on quiz and joke pages press the
To hold a wanted page:
At times it is convenient to hold a page of text. Press
and will appear in the top left of the screen. The page
will be held on screen until the button is pressed again.
To enlarge the text display size:
Press once to enlarge the top half of the page, press
again to enlarge the bottom half of the page. Press again to
revert to normal size.
To select a page whilst viewing a normal
Enter the page number then press , a normal pic-
ture will be displayed. The television will indicate when the
page is present by displaying the page number at the top of
the screen. Press to view the page.
To display news flashes:
Select the news flash page for the chosen text service
(see the index page of text service). Press . The
news flashes will be distplayed as and when they are broad-
cast. Press again to cancel the display..
The new flash page must be cancelled before chang-
ing programmes.
Digital and Analogue text services
20_23790W_TOSHIBA_MB22_CT8003_(PAN_EU-DVB-T) (20W330DG-23W330DG).p6502.04.2007, 09:4529