
English - 25 -
Film Mode (optional): Films are recorded at a
different number of frames per second to normal
television programmes. Press Left or Right button
to set this feature to Auto or Off. Turn this feature
to Auto when you are watching lms to see the fast
motion scenes clearly.
Skin Tone: Adjust the desired skin tone.
Colour Shift: Adjust the desired colour tone.
RGB Gain: Press OK button to edit RGB gain. You
can congure the colour temperature values using
the RGB Gain feature.
HDMI True Black (optional): While watching from
HDMI source, this feature will be visible in the
Advanced Settings menu.
You can use this feature to enhance blackness in the
picture. Set this feature to On to activate.
Note: HDMI True Black On/Off feature functions only
when the HDMI device output is set to RGB.
This feature allows you to reset the current Picture
Settings to the default values. Press MENU button and
select Picture by using Left or Right button. Press Up
or Down button to select Reset and press OK button.
Note: The reset function does not reset the settings
for Mode, Noise Reduction, Colour Temp, Picture
Zoom and HDMI True Black.
Conguring Picture Settings - continued