
English - 32 -
Other Controls - continued
Blue Background
If the signal is weak or absent, the TV can automatically
change to a blue screen. To enable this, set Blue
Background to On from.
The Other Settings menu, Background and select
On or Off using Left or Right button.
Software Upgrade
This feature helps to keep your TV updated. It works
automatically and searches for new information when
available and selected.
You can enable or disable automatic upgrade by the
Automatic Scanning option.
You can manually start searching for new software by
selecting Scan for upgrade and pressing OK button.
or MENU button to cancel the process.
Application Version
Displays the current application version.
Hard of Hearing
If the broadcaster enables any special signal
concerning the audio, you can set this setting as On
to receive such signals.
Use Up or Down button to select Hard of Hearing
and then press Left or Right button to set this setting
as On or Off.
Audio Description
Audio description refers to an additional narration
track for blind and visually impaired viewers of visual
media, including television and movies. The description
narrator talks through the presentation, describing
what is happening on the screen during the natural
pauses in the audio (and sometimes during dialogue,
if deemed necessary). You can use this feature, only if
the broadcaster supports that additional narration track.
Highlight Audio Description by pressing Up or
Down button.
Press OK button to enter Audio Description
Use Up or Down button to select Audio Description
setup and then press Left or Right button to set
this setting.
Auto TV Off
You can set the timeout value of auto off feature. After
the timeout value is reached and the TV is not operated
for selected time, the TV will go off. Press MENU button
and select Settings by using Left or Right button. Press
OK button to continue. Use Up or Down button to select
Other Settings and then press OK button. Select Auto
TV Off using Up or Down button.
Store Mode
If you set Store Mode to Enabled, your TV’s
features will be illustrated on the top of the screen. To
deactivate this feature, set to Disabled.
MEDIA Renderer
This feature allows to share/play les stored in a
MEDIA compatible smartphone, tablet pc or laptop on
the TV. Install an appropriate software on your device
and read instructions of the sharing software for more
information. Highlight MEDIA Renderer and press
Left or Right button to enable or disable.
Power Up Mode
This setting congures the power up mode preference.
Standby: The TV always powers up in Standby mode.
Last State: The TV always switches on with the last
selected channel/source.