
$electin9 the video input source
to view
To select the video input source to view:
1 Press _ on the remote control or TV control panel.
2 And then either:
a) Press numeric key 0-7 dhectly; or
b) Repeatedly press AV on the remote control and then
press @ to change the input; or
c) Repeatedly press _) on the remote control or TV
control panel to change the input.
"No Signal" will appear randomly on the screen if no signal
is received in video input mode.
3 Press _ button to add the current display channel to
favorite browser list.
To delete a favorite channel:
1 Press _Avsn&wsERbutton to open the favorites channel set
2 Press AV buttons to highlight fl_echannel fl_en press _
button to delete it.
Tuningto the nextprogrammedchannel
To tune to the next programmed channel:
Pre,;,; _ or _" on the remote control or TV control panel.
Note: This feature will not work unless you program channels
into the TV's channel memory (L-_page 30).
Tuningto a specificchannel(programmed
Tuning analog channels:
Press the Channel Number (0-9) on the remote control. For
example, to select channel 125, press l, 2, 5, then _.
Tuning digital channels:
Press the Channel Number (0-9) on the remote control,
followed by the dash ((_)) button and then the sub-channel
number For e×ample, to select digital channel 125-1, press l,
2, 5, -, l, then _.
Note: If a digital channel is not programmed--either through
the automatic channel scan (_, page 30) or the channel
Favorites Browser add/delete function (_-_page 30)--you will have to tune the
The Favorites Browser _dlowsyou to quicldy set up a favorite
chlmnels list and let youjump to Defer channel easily (Highlight
Channel number then press @).
To add a favorite channel:
1 Tune to the channel number that you prefer.
Press 0 button, a new set of Favorite Channel
Set Menu will appear its below.
Ch 57_0
RF channel using the Channel Number and dash ((_) on the
remote control.
Switching between two channels using
The Channel Return feature allows you to switch between two
channels without entering an actual channel number each time.
1 Select the first channel you want to view.
2 Select a second channel using the Channel Nmnber
buttons (and the dash (_) button if selecting a digital
3 Press c_-rNon the remote control. The previous channel
will display. Each thne you CHRTN TV willpress 0 , the switch
back and forth between the last two channels that were