
Changingyour PINcode
There is awulable to change PIN code.
1 Press correct PIN code as above to open the Parental
Control Menu.
2 Highlight New PIN Code.
3 Press liD"or@, A new menu icon will displays as below.
4 Using tile numeric key to press tile New Password of
four-digit PIN code, then key in new password again to
confirm. A successfnl message will appeal.
If you still cannot remember your PINcode
While tile PIN code entering screen is displayed, press ©
four times within five seconds. The PIN code will be cleared
and you can enter a new PIN code.
Blocking TV programsand movies
by rating (V-Chip)
Some TV progralns and movies include signals that classify
the content of the program (violence, sex, dialog, language).
The V-Chip feature in this TV detects the signals and blocks
tile programs according to tile ratings you select. (For rating
descriptions, see the tables on the next page).
To block and unblock TV programs and movies:
1 Press correct PIN code as above to open tile Parental
Control Menu.
2 Press AV bnttons to highlight US Ratings.
3 Press I1_or @, A new menu icon "Parental Control
Menu" will appeal.
4 Press AV liD,buttons and @ to select the level of
blocking you prefel: A box with an " is a rating that
will be blocked.
' If you place an" n the box "None" Rated, program rated
"None" will be blocked; however, programs that do not provide
any rating information will not be blocked.
_Right side are two default blocked setting that named "Children"
& "Youth" for you to choose directly, the default rating as below.