
Selectingthe colortemperature
You can change the quality of the pictme by selecting from
three preset color temperatures (Cool, Medium, and Warm),
its described below-.
Cool blueish
Medium neutral
Warm reddish
To select tile color temperature:
Press © and open tile Video menu
2 Highlight Advanced Picture and press _ or@.
3 Highlight ColorTemperature and press _ or@
cyclically to select the mode you prefer (Cool, Medium,
UsingiViPEGRoise Reduction
The MPEG noise reduction feature allows yon to reduce
visible interference caused by MPEG compression. Choices
for MPEG noise reduction are Off, Low, Middle, and High.
To select the MPEG Noise Reduction level:
Press © and open the Video menu.
2 Highlight Advanced Picture and press _ or@.
3 Highlight MPEG Noise Reduction imd press _ or
@ cyclically to select the mode you prefer (Off, Low,
Middle and High)
Off'->Low -'>Middle -'>High'-> Off
UsingCableCiear® digital noise reduction
The CableClear _ digital noise reduction feature allows you
to reduce visible interference in your TV picture. This may
be useful when receiving a broadcast with a weak signal
(especially a Cable channel) or playing a noisy video cassette
or disc.
To change the CableClear settings:
'1 Press M{_Uand open the Video menu.
2 Highlight Advanced Picture and press I_ or @.
3 Highlight CableClear and press _ or @,
cyclically to select the mode you prefer (Off, Low,
Middle and High)
Off'->Low ->Middle-> High ->Off
If the current input is ANT, VIDEO 1, or VIDEO 2, the
menu will display the text "CableClea_ " The available
selections are Off, Low, Middle, and High.
If the current input is CoIorStream HD1, ColorStream
HD2, HDMI 1" or HDMI 2* the menu will display the
text "DNR." The available selections are Off, Low,
Middle, and High. The Low, Middle, and High will
reduce the noise in varying degrees, from lowest to
highest, respectively
* The HDMI 1 or HDMI 2 input can accept and display DVl signal
formats: (VGA, SVGA,XGA, WXGA) and Video signal formats: [480i
(60Hz), 480p (60Hz), 720p (60Hz), 1080i (60Hz)]. But if the input
signal is in DVI signal format, the DNR feature will be grayed out
in the Advanced Picture Menu. For detailed signal specifications,
see page 49.
For ANT, VIDEO 1, or VIDEO 2
For ColorStream HD1, ColorStream HD2, HDMI 1,or HDMI 2.