User Guide

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Error Code 289
2B31 Failed to access e-Fil-
Make sure that the specified e-Filing or folder exists. (If not, this
error would not occur.). Turn the power OFF and then back ON.
Delete the specified e-Filing or folder and reset them. Retry the
job in error. If the specified e-Filing or folder cannot be deleted,
contact your service representative.
2B32 Failed to print e-Filing
Make sure that the specified document exists. (If not, this error
would not occur.).Turn the power OFF and then back ON.
Delete the specified document. If the specified document cannot
be deleted, contact your service representative.
2B50 Failed to process
Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry the scan. If the
error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2B51 Failed to process print
Make sure that the Function List can be printed out. Retry the
print. If the error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2B90 Insufficient memory Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry the scan. If the
error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2BA0 Invalid box password
Make sure that the password is correct and retry the scan, or
reset the password and retry the scan. When this error occurs
for the print of the data in the e-Filing, perform the print with the
administrator’s password. If the recovery is still not completed or
in case of invalid password for the operation other than printing
(opening the file, etc.), contact your service representative.
2BB0 Job canceled. Job was canceled by the user.
2BB1 Power failure
Make sure that the power cable is connected properly and it is
inserted securely.
2BC0 System fatal error Turn the power OFF and then back ON. Retry the print. If the
error still occurs, contact your service representative.
2BC1 Failed to acquire
Ask your administrator if the e-Filing function is enabled. Retry
the job in error. If the error still occurs, turn the power OFF and
then back ON. And then retry the job in error.
2B60 The folder was
renamed. A folder of
the same name
already existed.
Check the folder to be made.
2B70 The document was
renamed. A document
of the same name
already existed.
Check the data to be stored.
2B71 The storage period of
e-Filing documents will
Check the storage period.
2B80 The HDD for storing e-
Filing data is running
out of space.
Delete the unnecessary data in HDD.
2BA1 Incorrect paper size or
color mode
This size or color mode is not supported by e-Filing. Check the
paper size or color mode.
2BD0 Power failure occurred
during restoring.
Check the power cable.
2BE0 Failed to obtain the
machine parameters.
Turn the power OFF and then back ON to print again.
2BF0 Reached the maxi-
mum number of
Reduce the pages to be inserted, and print them.
2BF1 Reached the maxi-
mum number of docu-
Delete unnecessary documents in the box or folder.
2BF2 Reached the maxi-
mum number of fold-
Delete unnecessary folders in the box.
Error code Problem What to do