
Leamin 9 about the remote control
The buttons used fbr operating the TV only are described here, For a
complete list of the remote control's functions, see the "Remote
Control f'unctional key chart _ oi_ pages 16 -17.
POWERturns the TV on and of`f"
SLEEPsetsthe TV m turn of'f"at a specific dine (page 50)
tIGHTThe fkst press of"the LIGHT button lights the keypad and turns
on die Illumination mode. With tile Illumination mode on,
prmsing any other key lights tile keypad fbr 5 seconds (10 seconds
if'yogre in programming mode).
Subsequent presses of tile LIGHT button toggle between turning
the Illumination mode on and ore
ChannelNumbers (O-9, *OO)allow direct access to cha*mels (page 27)
MODEcycles through file six device modes: TV, CABLE/SAT, VCR,
[)VD, AUDIO 1, and AUDIO2. The mode indicator light will
remain lit f'or a few seconds (page 18).
PiC SiZEcycles through the dlree pictures sizes: Normal, Compression,
and Zoom (page 31)
FAVOR_I'Eallows access to the f:avoritechamxel search fitnction (page 37)
MENUallows access to on-screen progamming menus (page 23)
ENTERsets programming menu infbrmation (page 23)
at_ _ _ select or adjust programmir_g menus (page 23)
FAYA_gcyclesthrough f_vorite channels (page 29)
eH AT cycles through programmed cha,mels (page 27)
VOLA_ adjusts tile volume level
D_ITexits the programming menus (page 23}
iNPUTselects the video input source (page 48)
MUTE_nutes the sound (page 52)
RECALLdisplays TV status infbrmation on-screen (page 57)
CHRTNreturns m the last viewed cham_els (page 28)
POp OHAV selects the POP (picture-out-picture) cham_el (page 34)
SPklT turns the POP feature on and of`f"(page 34)
OHSC#,Nallowsaccessto the programmed charred search ftmc_ion(page36)
FREEZEf?eezes the POP picture (page 35)
SWAPswitches the main and POP pictures (page 35)
POP D_REOTOHallows direct access to POP channels (page 34)
SOURCEselects the POP picture source (page 34)
The eiror message "Not Avgfilg_b/e"will appeal
if you press a key for a ftJ_Tol/ol?#tat is not