
Important Safety Information ............................. 2=4
introduction ......................................... 6
\Velconrc _o7\_shiba .............................................. 6
Explorh_g yore_new TV ................................................... 6
Note regarding Quick Connect Guide ........................ 6
Connecting your TV .................................................. 7
Conne_ti*g a VCR ............................................... 7
Connecting a cable box .......................................... 8
Connecting a cane bo× and VCR .................................... 8
Connecting a DVD player or satellite receiver and a VCR 9
(_onne_ting a DVD player with component video
and aVCR ........................................................ l0
Connecting a DTV rccdver/set-top box with
component vi&o and a VCR ......................................... 11
Conne_ tilg two VCRs ................................................... 12
Connecting a cameo*tier. ............................................... 12
Connecting a &vice to the DVI/HDCP input .............. 13
Connel.ting _in _inc[io s!,_stenl .......................................... 14
Connecting an A/V receiver ................................... 14
Using the remote eontrom...................................... 15
Preparing the remote control t'or use .............................. 15
Installing the rmno_e toner4 batteries ............................ 15
Remote Contr4 f_mcdonal key &art ...................... 16
Progrmnming the remote control f'oruse with
)_ur audk_/vi&o devices ........................................ 18
Device co& setup ......................................... 18
Sear&ingandsamplingthecodeofa devke (85(.}(I)....18
Using d_e vohln]e lock fbature (8000) ..................... 19
Operational fbaturc reset (8900) ............................. 19
Device code rune ............................................ 20-21
L<_rning about the remote toner4 .......................... 22
Setting up your TV .................................................. 2a
Leanring about the menu svstenr ................................... 23
Using the Quick Connect Guide ................................... 24
Changing the on-screen disphy hnguage ....................... 24
Selecting the antenna input ............................................ 25
Adding channds m the TV's memo U ............................ 25
Progranrnring &annals automatically ...................... 25
Adding and era_ing drannds nranually .................... 26
Changing &annals ........................................................ 27
Changing &annals ushrg SpeedSurf. .................. 27
Adjusting the tilt correction tbature .......................... 27
Using the TV's features ......................................... 28
Adjusting the d_annel settings ........................................ 28
Switdfing between two &annals using
Channel Return ............................................ 28
Swit_hing between two d_anne]s using Surf]Lod<j_l .... 28
Programming ymlr f:avorffe&annals ....................... 28
Labeling &annals ................................................... 30
Viewing the wide-screen pkture f'ormats ........................ 31
Sde¢tilg d_e image shape ........................................ 31
Using the aura aspect fbatme .................................. 33
Sdecting tire dnmna mode .................................... 33
Using the POP douNe-window fbature .......................... 34
Switdring dre main and POP pkmres ..................... 35
Deczing dre POP picture ................................ 35
Adiusting the size ofdre douNe-window. ................ 35
Donble-Win&w aspec_ ratio .................................. 36
Using the programmed channd sear& timcdon ...... 36
Using the fhvorire channd seardl fhncdon ............ 37
About tire aura f_rvoritefeature ........................... 37
Using the LOCKS nrenu ....................................... 38
Entea'hg OrePIN co& .................................... 38
If you cannot remenlber your PIN code ............... 38
Using the V.CHIP menu ....................................... 39
ENABLE BLOCKING ................................... 39
TV RATING (Independent l>uing system t'or
Doa&asters) ........................................................... 39
lvlPAA RATING (independent rating s)vstemfbr
movies) ....................................................... 40
BLOCKING OPTION .......................................... 40
Unk)ddng progranrs temponu'ily .............. 41
Locking channds ................................................. 41
Loddng video hrputs ............................................ 42
Using tire game timer. ........................................... 43
Using the flont pand lo& feature ............................ 43
Changing the HN code ............................................ 43
Adinsting the picture ............................................ 44
.%leering the picture mode .................. 44
AdjHsting the pkture quality ................................... 44
Saving new pref'erence ............................................. 45
Using the flesh tone f_:ature................................... 45
Using d_e CaNeCbar Iv DNR feature ................... 45
Sde_ting the _olor tenrperature ............................... 46
Rese_ting pK_ure adjustments ............................... 46
Sd&ting the Scan Veloci_!:Moddation (SVbl) ...... 47
Sde_ting the display form= (for 480p signals only) 47
Selecting the video input som'ce ............................... 48
Labeling the vi&o input sources .................................... 48
Using d_e dosed _aption t'cature ..................................... 49
Setting the ON-timer ........................................... 50
Setting the sleep timer... ........................ 50
Setting the dock ................................................. 51
Selecting the backg*ound of the menH display ............. 51
Adius_hrg the sound ............................................. 52
Muting tire sound ........................................... 52
Sde_ting stereo/SAP broadcasts ......................... 52
Enjoying d_e D4bv Virtual sound tbature ............... 53
rising d_e WO\ff rM surround sound [bature ........... 54
Adjusting the s_.lnd qu:di w .................................... 54
Resetthlg your audio adjustments ........................... 55
Using the CYCLONE "_snb-woolC_:rsvsteln ........... 55
Turning o[)'the btdlt-in speakers ............................ 56
Selecting tt_eAudio OUT sound ............................. 56
Using the SmNeSound °__bature ............................ 57
Displayhlg on-sc*ecn intbrnr=ion ................................. 57
Viewing d_e denro mode ............................................ 58
Undcrstan&ng tire aura powerolC}'fcature................ 58
Unders<nr&ng dre hst mode memo* vt'eaure .............. 58
Appendix ................................................................... 59
Spedtkations ..................................................... 59
_]oubleshooting .................................................. 60
Limited United .%_tes_rrantv ..................................... 61
Limited Canada _<_rrantv .............................................. 62
index .................................................. 83