
A ÷ L
Connecting your TV
Note: Cablesale not supplied wilh your TtZ
e Coaxial cable [s the cable that comes in from )_mr antenna, cable IV
service, or cable converter box. (oaxinl cable uses "F" connectors.
® Staudard AJV (audlo/vldeo) cables usually come in sets of three, and
are typically cdor-coded according to use: ydlow fbr vide(), red f_)r
stere() right audio, aud white fi._rstereo lef'_(ur munu) audio.
Ou your TV's back pand, t}_estandard A/V inputs are cdur-cuded in
the same manner as the cables_
o S-Video cable is for use with video equipment _nith S-Video output
o Compouent video cables come in sets of three, (cdor-cuded red,
green and blue) and are f_r use with vide() equipment: with component:
vide() uutputs. Cu[orStream ") is Tushiba's brand uf compuneut vide().
® DVI-D digital single-link cable is f_)r use wid_ vide() equipment wid_
DVI-D output (see page 13).
Wheu cunnecdng videu equipment tu yum" 7bshiba TV:
e For GOOD picture quality: Use a standard yd[uw vide() cabM
o For BETTER picture qm_'_iity: Ifyuur equipment has an S-qdeo
input, use an S-qdeo cable insl_,ad ({F:_standard ydIow video cabM
(You sdll must connect the standard red and white audio cables for f'ull
q_scem connection, but go not connect *l_esslfnd)frd ye[/ow uid_,ocab/e at
*,/*eslfrne time, or the picture per_)rmauce will be unacceptable.)
e For BEST picture qodlty: If"your equipment has component rid eo (or
DVI) inpucs, use either component video cables (or a DVI cable) insr('ad
uf a standard video or S-video cable. (You still must com_ect the standard
red and white audio cables t_>rfi*IIsystem cormection, bur do not connect
the sta_dm'd j_g'/l(,wvideo ('_,lh/_.or gm5LVJd_.o_vlh/_.gstske s_m_etime.)
Connecting a VCR
This connection allows you to watch local channels and video
programs, play or record on the VCR while watching TM and record
from one channel while watching another channel.
You will need:
, two coaxial cables
* one set of'standard A!V cables
From Cable Box or Antenna
Stereo VCR
Coaxial(anten,a} cable
_ ,=IZD=
StandardAN gables{red/whiteiyeHew}
DVbgdigitat single=linkgable
Do not plug in any power co/Us unl/I you have
finished connect/hg all equ/pmen£
ff you have a mona VCR, (;onnect L/Mona ta
VCR Audio OUTus//w only one auc//o cable
ff yau have a VCR with S-videa, use an
S-video cable (plus audio cab/esJ instead of
#_estancJa/d video (;able for be/l_r p/c;lum
Do not connect a stan&mJ video cable and
an S-video (;abb ta VIDEO 1 (or VIDEO 2] at
#_esame time or the pict_Jfepeffofa_Taet.e will
be unac;c;eplab/e
The unauthorized recording, use,
distribution, or revision of television
programs,videotapes, DVDs,and other
materials is prohibited under the
Copyright Laws of the United Statesand
other countries, and maysubject you to
civil and criminal liability.
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