
Connecting a cable converter box
This connection allows yon to watch cable and premium channels.
Yon should keep your TV selected to ANT-1 so that you can use the
TV features. When viewing premium channels, select ANT-2 and
tune the TV to channel 3 or 4 (whichever channel is vacant in your
area), then use the converter box to change channels.
You will need two coaxial cables.
TV From Cable
When you use a converter box with your TV,
there may be features that you cannot
program using the remote contro/, such as
programming your law)rite channe/s, /abe/ing
channe/s, and/ocking channe/s.
Connecting a cable converter box and a VCR
This connection allows yon to watch and record basic and premium
cable channels, as well as watch videotapes. Yon should keep your TV
selected to ANT-1 so that you can use the TV's features. When
viewing premium channels or recording with the VCR, select ANT-2
and change the TV channel to 3 or 4 (whichever channel is vacant in
your area), then use the converter box to change channels.
You will need:
* three coaxial cables
* one pair of andio cables (only one cable for a mono VCR)
* one video cable
From Cable
ff you want to record one channe/ whi/e
watching another channe/, a sp/itter (not
inc/uded3 must be added between the cab/e
and ANT- l. One output of the sp/itter
connects to ANT 7and the second output
connects to IN on the cab/e converter box.
ff you have a mono VCR, connect L/Mono to
VCR Audio OUT us/ng on/y one audio cab/e.
ff you have an S VHS VCR, use the S video
connections and remove the video cab/e. Do
not connect the video cab/e and the S video
cab/e to Video 7 simu/taneous/3_
When you use a converter box with your TV,
there may be features that you cannot
program using the remote contro/, such as
programming your law)rite channe/s, /abe/ing
channe/s, and/ocking channe/s.
Stereo VCR