
............... Disc shift AM/FM Disc shift Deck side
{{ {{ {: { { A/Bswitch
VCR_ VCR_ VCR_ Stop Stop Stop Stop Stop
VCR _ VCR_ VCR_ Record ...... Record Record Record
P]P channel < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV
PlPon/off < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV
Strobe < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV
PlPStill < TV < TV < TV _TV < TV < TV < TV
P]PSwap < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV
PiP Locate < TV < TV < TV < TV < TV _ TV _ T\ /
g RC {: P]PSourct- < TV < TV < TV < T\ < TV < T\ < TV
"---" will send nothing
"< TV"willjump to Tg
"VCR_" wil/jump to last active VCRol DVD Active VCR/DVD is defined as the mode that lemains fol a minimum of 5
seconds,or ira key ispressed in that mode
* The VOLUME and MUTE willjump to "TV"by detau/£ When the volumeis unlocked,all the deviceswinhave theil own volume
TheAUDIO 1/2 (Receiver;CD) modes will/}ave their own volume even if VolumeLocl_ison TV,CABLE/SAT,VCR,oJDVD See
"Usingthe VolumeLoek featule"on page 15