
6. Finish labeling the other video sources as desired. To return to the
previous merm, press or to highlight CUSTOM MENU,
then press _ or 11_.
To exit the menu, press EXIT.
Using the closed caption feature
5_u have two options with the closed caption feature: captions or text.
A caption is a printed version of the dialogue, narration and/or sound
effects oLraTV program. Text is information not related to the
program that appears on half of the TV screen (if"available in your
To view captions or text:
1. Select the desired program. The captioned programs are usually
marked in }_ur local TV listing as "CC."
2. Press MENU, then press _1 orb" until the CUSTOM nlentl
3. Press or to highlight CC.
4. Press _ or I1_to highlight the closed caption mode.
Select C1, C2, C3, or C4 to view captions. Select CI for
translation of the primary language in your area.
Select TI. T2, T3, or T4 to view Text.
A dosed caption signalmay not be decoded
in tbe followingsituations
when a videotape basbeen dubbed
when the signalreception is weak
when the sifTna/receptionisnonstandard
Whenyou d_oose a closed captioned d_anne/
and the textmode, the text screen always
appea_ When tbere isno signal,boweve_
the text screen willnot displaytextd_aracters
To turn offthe closed-caption feature:
Select OFF in step 4.