
Connecting a DVD/satellite receiver and a VCR
This connection allows you to watch DVD/satellite, video and TV
programs. You can record one TV channel while watching another
You will need:
one coaxial cable
two pairs of audio cables (one single and one pair of cables for a
mono VCR)
one video cable
one S-video cable
Stereo VCR
From Antenna
From Satellite dish
DVD/Satellite Receiver
Connecting a DVD with ColorStream _ and a
This connection allows you to watch DVD, video or TV programs
and to record DVD or "FV programs. You can record from one source
and watch a program from another source. Your TV is capable of
using ColorStream (component video). Connecting your TV to a
ColorStream compatible DVD, such as a Toshiba DVD, can greatly
enhance picture quality and performance.
You will need:
one coaxial cable
three pairs of audio cables (one single and two pairs of cables for
a mono VCR)
_vo video cables
one set of ColorStream video cables
Youcanusea videocableinsteadof the
S videocab/e,but thepicturequalitywin
decreaseIfyouuseanS videocable
the videoconnection
Do notconnectthevideocableandthe
S videocableto Video1simu/taneous/y
Theunauthorized/_cording of television
program& videotapes and other matefla/s
may infringe upon the provisionsof cot_yright
Theunauthorizedr_cording of television
pmglams, videotape&and other materials
may infiTngeupon the provisionsof
copyright bws