
Connecting a cabme converter box and VCR
TLis connection allows you to watct_ and record basic and premium
cable cha,mds, watch videotapes, and record one channel while
watching ai_other cl_a*mel.To watch basic cable and use the TV's
f'eatures, select ANT- 1.
To view premium channels or record with the VCR_ select ANT-2,
tune the TV to channel 3 or 4 (whichever d_anne! is vacant in your
area), and use the converter box to change channels.
You will need:
, four coaxial cables
* one set of A/V cables
From Cable
Stereo VCR
Ifyou have a morro gcf4, r;onnecf L/Mono to
VCR Audio OUT uskw or_/yone audio cab/e..
ff you have a VCR with S-video, use an S-
w_leo c'abb (in RTeS-v/b'eo jacks) kTstead of a
standard vk/eo cab/e. Do not conrTect a
standard video cab/e and ar_S-video cab/e to
Vkleo- Z(_)r Video-2) at the same time, or the
pie.turn pe/formar_ce v,//llbe unac-ceptab/e
Whet} you use a converter box with your TV,
the f_mote c,orTtTo/wi// riot operal_ some
fealure& such as progmmmkw your favofTte
d?arTfTe/& /abeli/w <'harvTe/s,arTd/ockied
Theunauthorized recording, use,
distribution, or revision of television
programs,videotapes,DVDs, and other
materials is prohibited under the
Copyright Laws ofthe United States and
other countries,and maysubject you to
civil and criminal liability.