
HM66 ENbook Page 24 Thursday February 23. 2006 2:49 PM
Input labeling example:
The screen below left shows the delimit Input Selection
screen (with none of the inputs labeled). The screen below
right is an example of how you could label the inputs if you had
connected a DVD player to VIDEO 1, Cable TV to VIDEO 2,
a video recorder to ColorStream HDI, a DTV set-top box to
HDMI 1, and a satellite/DSS set-top box to HDMI 2. Also note
that the ColorStream HD2 input is labeled "Hidden," which
means that the input will be skipped over when @ is pressed.
VJrfeo 1
@ Video 2
ColorStream HD1
ColorStream HD2
@ ANT 2
-@ ] _to Select
I_ Video Recorder
I_ CoEorStelam ND2 (Hidderl)
- _ / _to Select
Input Selectionscreen
with no inputs labeled
Input Selectionscreenwith
all inputs labeledexcept input4,
which has beenhidden.
To clear the input labels:
1 Press M_uand open tile Preferences menu.
2 Highlight Input Labeling and press @.
3 Highlight Reset and press,@.
Usingthe Channel BrowserTM
The Channel Browser TM stores the most recently viewed
channels or inputs in a history list. In addition, it provides a list
of all the available channels on the ANTI input (up to 2000),
the ANT2 input (up to 2000) and a list of all the inputs on the
TV. This feature allows you to:
Keep a history of the last 32 channels or inputs viewed.
Quickly surf and tune your recently viewed channels/inputs
from the Channel Browser TM banner (illustrated on the next
Suffvia Browse mode (to immediately tune channels as you
highlight them in the Channel Browser TM banner) or Select
mode (to surf over channels in the browser banner before
you select one to tune).
Quickly change inputs from the Inputs List.
Set a "HOME" source foran ANT1 grANT2 channel orTV
To set the Channel BrowserTM:
1 Press M_uand open the Preferences menu.
2 Highlight Channel Browser Setup and press @.
3 Press to highlight Navigation, and then press or
to select either Browse Mode or Select Mode.
Power Off Clear(On)
Inputs List On
History List
Press to highlight History List field, then press or•
to select the setting you prefer either Power Off Clear
(On), On or Off.
Note: When History List is set to On, the channels and
inputs stored in the list will be saved through power on
and off. When History List is set to Power Off Clear (On),
the channels and inputs stored in the list will be cleared
with every power on/off cycle of the TV.
Press to highlight ANT1 List field, then press or
to select On or Off.
Press to highlight ANT2 List field, then press or
to select On or Off.
Press to highlight Inputs List field, then press or
to select On or Off.
To save your entries, highlight Done and press @.
To return to factory detimlts, highlight Reset and press
HM66 (E/F) Web 213:276