
HM66 ENbook Page 34 Thursday February 23. 2006 2:49 PM
Usingthe StableSound® feature
Tile StableSound _ feature limits tile highest volume level to
prevent extreme changes in volume when the signal source
changes (for example, to prevent the sudden increase in
volume that often happens when a TV program switches to a
To turn on the StableSound _ feature:
1 Press M_uand open the Audio menu.
2 Highlight Audio Settings and press @.
3 In the StableSound field, select On.
Bass 10o
To save the new settings, highlight Done and press @.
To revert to the factory defaults, highlight Reset and
press @.
Note: The RESET function returns your audio adjustments
to the following factory settings:
Bass ......... center (50)
Treble ........ center (50)
Balance ...... center (0)
StableSound... Off
To turn off the StableSound feature:
Select Off in step 3 above.
Turning off the built-in speakers
You can use this feature to turn off the TV speakers when you
connect an audio system to your TV (_ "Connecting a digital
audio system" and "Connecting an analog audio system" in the
hlsmllation Guide).
To turn off the built-in speakers:
I Press Mff_uand open the Audio menu.
2 Highlight Audio Setup and press @.
3 In the Speakers field, select Off.
Opticat Outpul Format DoJby Digital
4 To save the new settings, highlight Done and press @.
To revert to the ti_ctorydelimits, highlight Reset and
press 0.
To turn on the built-in speakers:
Select On in step 3 above.
Selecting the optical audio output format
You can use this feature to select the optical audio output
format when you connect a Dolby Digital decoder or other
digital audio system to the Optical Audio Out terminal on
the TV
(Ir__ "Connecting a digital audio system" in the Installation
To select the optical audio output format:
I Press Mff_uand open the Audio menu.
2 Highlight Audio Setup and press @.
3 In the Optical Output Format field, select either
Dolby Digital or PGM, depending on your device.
4 To save the new settings, highlight Done and press @.
To revert to the factory defaults, highlight Reset and
press @.
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