Operation Manual

Below is a guide to the functions of the remote control text
k To display the index/initial page:
Press k to access the index/initial page. The one displayed is
dependant on the broadcaster.
TEXT To display a page of text:
Press TEXT to display text. Press again to superimpose text
over a normal picture. Press again to return to normal
television viewing. Channels cannot be changed until this has
been done.
A To reveal concealed text:
To discover the solutions on quiz and joke pages press the A
B To hold a wanted page:
At times it is convenient to hold a page of text. Press B and
B will appear in the top left of the screen. The page will be
held on screen until the button is pressed again.
C To enlarge the text display size:
Press C once to enlarge the top half of the page, press again
to enlarge the bottom half of the page. Press again to revert
to normal size.
D To select a page whilst viewing normal
Enter the page number then press D, normal picture
will be displayed. The television will indicate when the page is
ready by changing the colour of the page number at the top
of the screen. Press TEXT to view the page.
To display news flashes:
Select the news flash page for the chosen text service (see the
index page of text service). The news flashes will be displayed
as and when they are broadcast.
Control buttons
Remember to cancel text before
changing channels - press the TEXT
button twice.