Instruction Manual

English - 41 -
(**) Limited Models Only
          
the Alexa setup wizard will be displayed after the
highlight Learn More option and press OK. On the
next screen you will be informed about the feature.
Highlight Start and press OK to proceed.
tion you can use the Works With Alexa option in the
Settings>System>Voice Assistant menu to carry
will be informed about the feature. Highlight Start
and press OK to proceed.
 An authentication code will be created and displayed
on the screen. Use your computer or any other device
with internet access to go to the internet address
(URL) shown on the screen. You will be directed
to a page where you can sign in to your Amazon
you will be directed to a page where you can enter
the authentication code you see on the TV and link
your TV to your Amazon account.
 If the linking process was successful you will be
asked to determine a name for your TV, called
‘Friendly Name’(FN). A ‘Friendly Name’ is a name
that reminds you of your TV, such as ‘Living Room
TV’, ‘Kitchen TV’, ‘Dining Room TV’, etc. Choose an
easy-to-say name. You will say this name to tell Alexa
which TV to control. When you are done, highlight
OK and press OK.
 Examples about the use of the feature will be
displayed on the next screen. Press OK  
the setup.
wizard when you press OK. In that case press Exit
or highlight Setup Later and press OK in order to
exit the setup.
Once the setup is complete, you will be able to control
the functions of your TV with Alexa.
Note: Make sure that the devices are connected to the internet.
Interacting with Alexa(**)
To activate Alexa and make it listen what you are
saying, just say “Alexa”. You can also press and hold
the Prime Video button on the remote for about 3
seconds to do that. When Alexa is activated its logo
will appear on the lower right corner of the TV screen.
You can press the Exit button on your TV remote to
end the Alexa’s response to your request.
Press and hold the Language button on the remote
and hold the button again to turn on the microphones.
Standby Mode LED Status
    󰀨  
Mode LED status of your TV as follows:
TV Power State
Standby Mode
LED Status
Standby Mode
󰀨 Red
On Mode On Green
On Mode 󰀨 Red
Standby Mode
On Green
Example Commands
Here are some voice commands that you can use to
control the functions of your TV with Alexa:
Command Function
Alexa, turn on ‘FN Powers on the TV
󰀨FN 󰀨
Alexa, play ‘FN Starts media playback
Alexa, pause ‘FN Pauses media playback
Alexa, resume ‘FN Resumes media playback
Alexa, stop ‘FN Stops media playback
Alexa, fast forward on ‘FN
Advances media in fast
forward mode
Alexa, rewind on ‘FN Rewinds media
Alexa, set the volume of
FN’ to 50
Sets the volume to the
Alexa, turn the volume up
on ‘FN
Increases volume by 10
Alexa, turn the volume
down on ‘FN
Decreases volume by
10 units
Alexa, mute ‘FN Mutes sound
Alexa, unmute ‘FN Unmutes sound
Alexa, change the input to
“input_name” on ‘FN
The TV switches to the
input source with the spec-
Alexa, change channel to
"channel_number" on ‘FN
The TV switches to the
number (e.g. channel 200)
Alexa, change channel to
“channel_name" on ‘FN
The TV switches to the
Alexa, channel up on ‘FN
The TV switches to the
next higher channel, if any
Alexa, channel down
on ‘FN
The TV switches to the
next lower channel, if any
Alexa, next channel on
The TV switches to the
next channel on the
channel list
FN is the abbreviation for ‘Friendly Name’.