Portable Personal Computer User's Manual

User's Manual
Check the condition of the cord and terminals. If
the cord is frayed or damaged, replace it. If the
terminals are soiled, wipe them with cotton or a
clean cloth.
If the AC adaptor still does not power the com-
puter, contact your dealer.
If you suspect a problem with the battery, check the DC IN 15V indicator as well as
the Battery indicator. For information on indicator and battery operation see
Chapter 6, Power and Power-Up Modes.
Problem Procedure
Battery doesn’t The battery may be discharged. Connect the
power the computer AC adaptor to charge the battery.
Battery doesn’t If the battery is completely discharged, it will
charge when the not begin charging at once. Wait a few minutes.
AC adaptor is
attached (Battery If the battery still does not charge, make sure the
indicator does not outlet is supplying power. Plug in an appliance
glow orange.) and see if it works. If it doesn’t, try another power
Check whether the battery is hot or cold. If the
battery is too hot or too cold, it will not charge
properly. Let it reach room temperature.
Unplug the AC adaptor and remove the battery to
make sure the terminals are clean. If necessary
wipe them with a soft dry cloth dipped in alcohol.
Connect the AC adaptor and replace the battery.
Make sure the battery is securely seated.