
Federal departments and agencies acquiring products from this Schedule must comply with the
provisions of the Federal Standards Program, as appropriate (reference: NIST Federal Standards
Index). Inquiries to determine whether or not specific products listed herein comply with Federal
Information Processing Standards (FIPS) or Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-
STDS), which are cited by ordering offices, shall be responded to promptly by the Contractor.
13.1 Federal Information Processing Standards Publications (FIPS
Information Technology (IT) products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal
Information Processing Standards (FIPS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been granted
in accordance with the applicable “FIPS Publication.” Federal Information Processing Standards
Publications (FIPS PUBS) are issued by the National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Department of Commerce, pursuant to section 111 of the Federal Property and Administrative
Services Act of 1949, amended, 79 Stat. 1127 (40 U.S.C. 759). Information concerning their
availability and applicability should be obtained from the Nation Technical Information Service
(NTIS), 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. FIPS PUBS include voluntary
standards when these are adopted for Federal use. Individual orders for FIPS PUBS should
referred t the NTIS Sales Office, and orders for subscription service should be referred to the
NTIS Subscription Officer, both at the above address, or telephone number (703) 487-4650.
13.2 Federal Telecommunication Standards (FED-STDS)
Information Technology (IT) products under this Schedule that do not conform to Federal
Telecommunications Standards (FED-STDS) should not be acquired unless a waiver has been
granted in accordance with the applicable “FED-STD.” Federal Telecommunications Standards
are issued by the General Services Administration, pursuant to the Federal Property and
Administrative Services Act of 1949, amended (40 U.S.C. 487). Ordering information and
information concerning the availability of FED-STDS should be obtained from the GSA federal
Supply Service, Specifications Section, 470 East L’Enfant Plaza, SW, suite 8100, Washington,
DC 20407, telephone number (202) 619-8925. Information concerning their applicability can be
obtained by writing or calling the U.S. Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards
and Technology, Gaithersburg, MD 20899, telephone number (301) 975-2833.
14. Security Requirements
In the event security requirements are necessary, the ordering activities may incorporate, in their
delivery order(s), a security clause in accordance with current laws, regulations, and individual
agency policy; however, the burden of administering the security requirements shall be with the
ordering agency. If any costs are incurred as a result of the inclusion of security requirements,
such costs will not exceed ten percent (10%) or $100,000 of the total dollar value of the order,
whichever is less.
15. Contract Administration for Ordering Offices
Any ordering office, with respect to any one or more delivery orders placed by it under this
contract, may exercise the same rights of Termination as might the GSA Contracting Officer
under provisions of FAR 52.212-14, paragraphs. Termination for the Government's convenience
and / or termination for cause (see Sec C.1.) Ordering offices may obtain technical and/or
ordering assistance by calling: (800) 234-4873, ext. 3687 or (800) 535-5039, ext. 210.
16. GSA Advantage!
GSA Advantage! is an online, interactive electronic information and ordering system that
provides online access to vendors’ schedule prices with ordering information. GSA Advantage!
will allow the user to perform various searches across all contracts including, but not limited to:
A. Manufacturer
B. Manufacturer’s Part Number