User manual

9.30 Tax Status or Food Stamp Status Modification
1. Depressing the [SCALE] key will display weight.
2. When a PLU is programmed with a Tare Table, the tare weight is automatically subtracted from the
scaled weight, resulting that the net weight will be entered.
3. For Manual Scale Entry, Net weight of the item should be entered. In the lowest digit of the Net Weight
(Kg), only the value “0” or “5” can be entered.
4. For PLUs programmed with the scale status, the Scale Entry is available without the depression of the
[SCALE] key. For departments, depressing the [SCALE] key is required for the Scale Entry.
5. The Scale entry operation is prohibited for Departments/PLUs with “Prohibition of Scale Entry” status.
6. The Scale entry operation is prohibited for Negative Departments/PLUs.
7. Multiplication and Repeat operations are unavailable.
8. In case the scaled weight is 0, the Scale Entry is unavailable.
9. Weight should be entered manually in
10. Manual Scale Entry is available in
mode, even when “Prohibition of Manual Scale Entry” is
11. While the scale is measuring an item by weight, only the [C], [PLU], [DP], [DP SHIFT], [Code Preset
PLU] keys and the Numeric keys are available.
(3) Scale Entry with Tare/Tare2
|Tare Table No.
|Tare Weight
1. By the [TARE] key depression, the tare weight with the tare code is automatically subtracted from the
scaled weight, resulting that the net weight will be displayed and entered. Tare Weight cannot be
entered manually. Entry of a PLU with the Tare Table No. will cause an error.
2. The [TARE2] key cannot be used together with the [TARE] and the [SCALE] keys. The Tare Weight
should be entered before the [TARE2] key is depressed.
3. In the lowest digit of the Tare Weight (Kg), only the value “0” or “5” can be entered.
(4) Return or Void Manual Scale Entry (It may be prohibited by a program option.)
for Return
for Void
9.30 Tax Status or Food Stamp Status Modification
Depress the
[TX1/M], [TX2/M], [TX3/M], [TX4/M]
key prior to or any time during the entry
sequence of the required Department, PLU, or any other tax-status-programmable item. The taxable
status is reversed to non-taxable, and vice versa. The
key operates in the same way to
alternate the Food Stampable status and the Non-Stampable status of the required item.
to be continued to the arrows marked with (M) in the
previous five operation sequences of the Auto Scale Entry.
1 to 9 (See
0.005 to 99.995 (Kg)
0.01 to 99.99 (LB)
to be continued to the arrows marked with (M) in the
previous five operation sequences of the Auto Scale Entry.
to be continued to the top of the “Manual Scale Entry”
sequence above.