User's Manual

Basic Operations
Options Available from the Contacts List
You can perform the following operations if you press (Options) from the Contacts
View: Displays the details screen for one entry.
Search by: Allows you to search for an entry in the Contacts list (page 74).
Edit: Displays the edit screen for one entry.
Delete: Deletes one or all Contacts list entries.
Select Multi: Allows you to select multiple Contacts list entries and you can
perform each of the Delete, Copy, Move, Send vCard, View and Mark All
operations on multiple Contacts list entries simultaneously.
Send vCard: Converts a Contacts list entry to vCard format and sends it.
Memory Card: Displays a list of Contacts list entries in the memory card.
Phone/SIM: Displays a list of Contacts list entries in the phone and SIM card.
Sort by: Allows you to change the order that entries appear. You can select a sort
option from First Name, Last Name or Displayname.
Category Filter: Displays the Contacts list entries of the selected category.