User's Manual

You can exchange long text messages and picture, video and melody attachments with
email compatible devices. A separate subscription is required to use email. For details,
contact your service provider.
Receiving Email
Unlike MMS and SMS, you need to check whether you have any new messages on the
email server and then download them. Received messages are saved to Inbox of Email.
1. In standby mode, press ( ), select Email and press (Select).
2. Select Sync. New Emails and press (Select).
Your phone connects to the email server and receives your email messages.
Creating & Sending an Email Message
You can send an email message up to 300 KB including the recipient address, subject,
body text and attachment files.
1. In standby mode, press ( ), select Email and press (Select).
2. Select Create Email and press (Select).
3. Enter a message and press .
You can enter up to 15,000 characters.
4. Select To and press .
You can also set an address for Cc or Bcc.
Create Email Screen