User's Manual

End User License Agreements (EULAs)
End User License Agreement
for Dilithium Software
All End User License Agreements for the OEM
Applications will include at least the following
1. The end user is only granted a non-exclusive
right to use the OEM Application for its own
internal business purposes. The end user may
only use the Program with and as part of the
OEM Application and is prohibited from using
such Programs for application development
purposes or otherwise outside the scope of the
license granted in Section 2.2 of this Agreement.
2. The end user shall be prohibited from
sublicensing, timesharing, rental, facility
management, or service bureau usage of the
3. OEM and Dilithium retain all right, title, and
interest to the OEM Applications. The end user
may not copy the OEM Application, except for
inactive backup and archival purposes only.
4. The end user may not disaggregate the Program
from the OEM Application, and may not use or
distribute the Program except as integrated or
bundled with the OEM Application.
5. The end user must agree to comply with all
export and re-export restrictions and regulations
("Export Restrictions") imposed by the
government of the United States. If any Program
license is provided to U.S. government licensee
use, duplication or disclosure of the software
and documentation by the U.S. Government
shall be provided subject to terms and
conditions consistent with these restrictions and
any applicable FAR provisions, for example,
FAR 52.227-19.
6. The OEM Application contains proprietary and
confidential information of OEM and Dilithium.
The end user will agree to maintain the OEM
Applications in confidence and shall use a
reasonable degree of care to protect the
confidentiality of the OEM Applications.
7. Upon termination of the license for the OEM
Application, the end user shall cease to use all
copies of the OEM Application.
8. Dilithium shall be named a third party beneficiary
of the End User License Agreement for
purposes of enforcing Dilithium's intellectual
property rights. Page 150 Friday, November 9, 2007 2:02 PM