B/W CCD Camera Specifications

Model CS8560D is an integrated type B/W CCD camera with a VGA format all-pixel-data readout
CCD. This model has twice greater driving frequency of conventional cameras to achieve
fast-speed data-processing. The model is suited for high-speed, high-resolution image processing
use. Its compact, light-weight body is ideal for system integration.
(1) Double-speed scan
This model reads out image-data twice as fast as conventional cameras do.
(2) All pixel's data readout
With its built-in all-pixel-data-readout CCD, this model can read out image-data just in
approximately 1/60 sec. A frame-shutter reads out all data even under RTS (Random Trigger
Shutter) mode.
(3) High vertical resolution
As all pixel's data are read out even under RTS mode (in 1/60 sec.), images with no
deterioration in vertical resolution are obtained.
(4) Square grid pattern CCD
Pixel's in CCD are aligned in square grid pattern. This makes it easier to perform computation
correctly for image processing use.
(5) External Sync.
The camera is switched over to external synchronization operation automatically when external
HD signal is input.
(6) Random trigger shutter function
With a built-in RTS, the camera’s CCD starts light-exposure in synchronization with external
trigger signals. This function enables the camera to capture fast-moving subjects at constant
position for precise image processing.
(7) Restart / Reset
Under the restart / reset mode, this model can capture images at an arbitrary timing cued by
external VD signal.
(8) Multiple shutter
With this shutter, this model capture images at an arbitrary timing cued by external trigger
signal, and then outputs video at an arbitrary timing cued by external VD signal.
(9) Partial-scan
Under the partial scan mode, only 1/2 or 1/4 screen center portion of image information is read
out, resulting in a faster operation.
(10) Ultra-compact & light-weight camera head
The model features its ultra-compact and light-weight camera head, freeing you from your
integration-space-problem. In addition, it has an excellent shock and vibration resistance.