
Cleaning and Care
WARNING: TV sets use High Voltage. Do not try to remove the cabinet back. Refer servicing to qualified service
To clean the TV screen:
1. Fhst remove the plug fi'om lhe power outlet Io avoid
possible shock Imzard.
2. Use a clean cellulose sponge or chamois clolh
dampened with a sohltion of nlild detcrgcni and
\vat'nl water to clean TV screen _tlld trim. Do not tlst2
too nluch walci- oil tile TV screen, Water spills 11110
file cabinet and may cause damage 10tile TV.
Avoid excess water.
3 [_,enlo_C an_, extra nloisttii'e wJlh Ihc _amc cloth or _i
dry one.
[-o mahltahl tile l'illiS]l and appearance of the cabinet.
polish it I_nin thne Io lime \vifll a qualhy t_uniturc
_au_ion: _,1{,i- 11_(, _ll.ol]_ _ llJ/l {,lll_ _11( /I (l_ i/lillll_l, /){,li-l,iI t, ijl.
olhe/" lhe/nii'_ll_ _i/l _J II{'{ll" { I/I_iIICl _1_l/l_ 9 mi£,/l! d_I/nil.tf_'
lhc/imdl ol t/w <ahincl