
Blocking unrated movies or programs
Some movies and programs arenot rated. You can block these movies
and programs using the V-Chip.
To block unrated movies or programs:
1. PressMENU, then press or to highlight the SET UP menu.
2. Press or * to highlight V-CHIE
3. Press or to display the V-CHIP menu.
4. Use the Channel Number buttons (0-9) to enter your PIN code.
If you are accessing the V-Chip menus for the first time, select a
four-digit number to be your PIN code. PressENTER. The
BLOCKING menu appears.
5. Press or v to highlight MPAA UNRATED.
Press or to highlight ON to block unrated movies.
Press or to highlight OFF to unblock unrated movies.
6. Press or v to highlight TV NONE RATING.
Press or to highlight ON to block programs with a rating
of"TV NONE."
Press or to highlight OFF to unblock programs with a
rating of"TV NONE."
7. PressEXIT to return to normal viewing.
Blocking channels
You can also choose to block individual channels. These channels will
not be seen regardless of the ratings of their programming. Youcan
choose to block up to four TV channels and four cable channels.
To block channels:
1. Use the Channel Number Buttons (0-9) display the television
channel you wish to block.
2. PressMENU, then press or to highlight the SET UP menu.
3. Press or v to highlight V-CHIP and then press or to display
the V-CHIP menu.
4. Use the Channel Number buttons (0-9) to enter your PIN code.
If you are accessing the V-Chip menus for the first time, choose a
four-digit number to be your PIN code. Press ENTER.
5. Press or * to highlight CHANNEL BLOCK and then press
or to display the CHANNEL BLOCK menu.
6. Press or to:
SET the channel as one to be blocked.
CLEAR all channels from the list of blocked channels.
Blocking televisionprograms with a rating of
"13/NONE"may blc_k emergency messages_
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