
adwng and unloading a cassette tape
Use onJy video cassette tapes marked _ and S_HS
, Cassettes marked "VHS" (or "S-VHS" can be used with this video cassette recorder However, S-VHS recording
is not possible with this model.
, This model is equipped with SQPB (S-VHS QUASI PLAYBACK) that makes it possible to playback S-VHS
recordings with regular VHS resolution.
, HQ VHS is compatible with existing VHS equipment.
Push the center of the tape until it is automatically in-
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Insert the cassette tape with its labeled side facing up
and the erase prevention tab positioned at your left. An
inverted cassette tape cannot be inserted.
Erase prevention tab
Automatic power ON
When you insert a cassette tape the VCR power will turn ON automatically.
/ \
Automatic playback
When loading a cassette tape without an erase prevention tab, playback will start automatically.
"Youcan eject the video tape while the unit is turned off.
Press EJECT the unit the control.
OR or remote
Remove the cassette
Automatic tape eject
This VCR wiii automatically rewind the tape when the tape has ended. And when the tape is rewound to its
beginning, the cassette tape will be eiected automatically.
To prevent accidenta[ erasure
Remove the erase prevention tab with a screwdriver.
Erase prevention tab
To record again
Cover the hole with a piece of adhesive tape.
Tape speed and maximum recording time
u_p_ OF_U
SP (Standard Play)
2-2/3 hours
8 hour_
Video cassette tape
T-120 T-90 T-60
2 hours 1-1/2 hours 1 hour
6hour 4-1/2 hours 3 hours
T-30 1
30 minutes [
2G10101A P47-P54 48 _ 2/25/05, 1:31 AM