User manual

and Operation
Set up
and Operation
Set up
Cannot display the
camera images in the
Focus of the images is
No sound is output. 
Sound sensitivity of your
camera is poor
Exposure is not
●The lens cover of the
camera is not clean,
or some dusts are on
it. 
●Distance to an
object is to close. 
●Sound volume on
your PC is "0." 
●No microphone is
●The microphone you
are using is not a
●Setting for audio
input is mismatched.
●The button in
Camera Image
screen is set to .
●Browser is set for
Go to "Camera Settings"/ "General
Settings"/"Auto B/W" and set the
"Auto B/W" to ON. The images in
the dark become black and white,
but it enables to display the
images to some point. If you still
cannot display images, try using
lights to have enough exposure.
(See page 68) 
Images taken during the day are
not affected. In addition to the
auto B/W function, the camera is
set with AGC (maximum value) and
high limit for slow shutter. Set
them in accordance with the
(See page 69 and 70)
●Wipe off the lens with dried cloth. 
●The camera cannot focus at close
range. Change the "Focus Range"
from "Stamdard" to "Macro." (See
page 67)
●Adjust the sound volume of your
personal computer. (See page 16)
●Install commercial microphone to
your network camera.
●You can install only condenser
typed monaural microphone. Plug
type has to be monaural 3.5mm. 
●Set "Audio input" in "Camera/Audio
setting" to ON. (See page 79)
●Click the button in Camera
Image screen to set it to .
(See page 38)
●Proxy setting with the browser
sometimes disables camera audio
output. Reset proxy setting of the
browser to setting of the IP
address of the network camera or
host name that bypasses a proxy.
(See page 35)
●Face the microphone of the
camera where you want to gather
Symptom Cause
How to Manage
Before Calling Service Personnel... (Cont.)
Images are not colored.
Cannot display images
from the network camera.
Frame Rate of network
camera images is too
Auto B/W is set to
Setting for color
difference gain is
The Internet line is
There are not
enough resources
(CPU power, RAM).
Cookie is not
Security settings for
Internet options are
not matching.
Browser is set for
Picture size is too
The "Picture Quality"
is set to "HIGH."
More than one users
are accessing the
camera at the same
time. 
Browser is set for
Set auto B/W setting to OFF.
(See page 68)
Increase color difference gain.
(See page 71) 
Wait for a little while. Sometimes it
takes time to display images.
There are the recommended
requirements of PC to view the
images of the network camera.
(See page 24) 
Close all applications other than
the network camera browser. 
Enable Cookie.
Change security settings for
Internet options. (See page 34)
Proxy setting with the browser
sometimes disables camera image
display. Reset proxy setting of the
browser to setting of the IP
address of the network camera or
host name that bypasses a proxy.
(See page 35)
The default setting of picture size
is VGA(640x480). Go to "Camera
Settings"/ "General Settings"/
"Resolution" and set smaller
picture size to have faster Frame
Rate. (See page 66)
Selecting a low compression rate in
"Camera/Basic setting" increases the
delivery speed, but lowers image
quality. (See page 67)
When many users access to the
camera at the same time, the
frame rate of the image becomes
slow. 
Proxy setting with the browser
sometimes slows camera image
updating. Reset proxy setting of
the browser to setting of the IP
address of the network camera or
host name that bypasses a proxy.
(See page 35)
Symptom Cause
How to Manage