Water System User Manual

System & Station
Program 05 – Flexible Access Code Numbering
Strata DK Programming 5/99
Default [PDNs] and Park Orbits (see Program 04)
Default [PhDNs] (see Program
Automatic Callback (Dial 4-N/A)
CO Line Queuing (Dial 4-N/A)
Station Number Display (#401)
Port Number Display (#402)
Hold (#41)
Hold Pickup (#42)
Automatic Busy Redial (Conf + #44)
Automatic Busy Redial Cancel (Int + #44)
Message Waiting Answer (#408) from INT, [PDN], or
Display [PDN], [SDN], or [PhDN] on LCD (#407)
Emergency Call to Attendant Console (#400)
Standard telephone Redial (44) or dial # for feature
access code
Flash (Cnf + #45)
Account Code Input (Cnf + #46)
T.R. Override/T. Class Code Input (Cnf + #47)
BGM Over Stations ON (#481)
BGM Over Stations OFF (#480)
BGM Over External Speakers ON (#491)(Station Port
000 only)
BGM Over External Speakers OFF (#490)(Station
Port 000 only)
Cancel Message Waiting at Station (#409) from [PDN]
or [PhDN]
Retrieve Message Waiting (#408)
Access Code/Speed Dial Prefix (44 or #)
To store a CO line or feature access code in Speed
Dial memory from rotary phones or phones without
the Speed Dial and Redial buttons, enter 44 + 7XXX
instead of # + 7XXX.
Start Trace #489 (Station Port 000 only)
Stop Trace #488 (Station Port 000 only)
Cancel Auto Call Back (#43)
Call Pickup Station (#5+Station No.), Ringing CO or
DID line (#59)
Directed Pickup of CO Line on Hold (#5+#7 XXX,
XXX = 001~200),
Pick-up External Page (#5 +#30 or for Zone Page
#5#79 Pick up Tandem Connection (Release 3.2 and
Selected Group Pickup (#5+#320~#339)
Own Group(s) Pickup (#5+#34)
Pickup Ringing Line (#59)
[DN] Pickup #5#2+XXX (XXX=[PDN] or [PhDN], DK
Release 3.1 and above)
Verified Account Codes (DK14, DK40i, RCTUA~C/D:
Speed Dial + 50; RCTUE/F Speed Dial + 050)
Features Affected
(N/A = Not Affected/ Cannot Change)