Instruction Manual

Off-hook Call Announce (OCA)
Strata DKT2004-CT Cordless Digital Telephone 9/00 69
Speaker Off-hook Call Announce (SP-OCA)
This feature enables you to call and speak through the speaker of an off-hook, busy
digital telephone.
To make an SP-OCA call with Voice First Signaling
To dial an SP-OCA call with Tone Signaling
1. Press
7$/. and call
the desired station.
You hear a single tone and can to talk to the station if
your station is programmed for automatic SP-OCA
2. Speak to the called
...or press
(if a busy
tone is heard or your
station is not
programmed for
automatic SP-OCA
operation, you must
to speak to the
called station).
1. Press
7$/. and call
the desired station.
2. If you receive busy or
ring tone, press
If you receive busy tone after pressing , the called
telephone is either busy on a speakerphone call or
does not have the OCA option set in system
3. Speak to the called