user guide Cordless Digital Telephone DKT2104-CT

Raise the Base Unit Antenna
16 Strata DKT2104-CT Cordless Digital Telephone 5/00
Step 6: Raise the Base Unit Antenna
Before using your handset, raise the Base
Unit antenna to the vertical position (shown
at right).
Step 7: Install Handset Battery
Note Your handset should come from the factory with one
battery already installed and charged. If not, follow
steps below and see Step 8: Charge Batteries for First
1. Carefully remove the battery cover from the back of the
handset (shown at right).
2. Place a charged battery into the handset so that it slides
easily along the ridges, ensuring that the polarity is
correct (minus to minus and positive to positive). The
battery clicks into place.
3. Carefully slide the battery cover onto the back of the
Raise to Vertical Position