user guide Cordless Digital Telephone DKT2104-CT

Handset Operation
Tone or Voice First Signaling
Strata DKT2104-CT Cordless Digital Telephone 5/00 27
To set DKT mode
Tone or Voice First Signaling
If you are a new user of the cordless digital telephone, ask your System Administrator
if the Strata DK system has Tone or Voice First Signaling. Tone Signaling rings and
Voice First has a long tone followed by the callers voice. You can toggle between
Tone and Voice First Signaling on a call-by-call basis.
Both signals are enabled in system programming and determine how you make and
answer calls.
To change the signaling
To answer a Tone First Signaling call
Press WDON. You hear successive ring tones.
Pick up the DKT
You hear dial tone. This displays on the handset and
the DKT LCD.
1. Press [DN] + station
If Tone First Signaling is enabled, you hear a one-
second ring every four seconds. If Voice First Signal is
enabled, you hear a tone burst.
2. Press
. The other signaling is activated.