User manual

Other Functions
With the phone in its normal mode, other functions available are:
Night Service
During the day there are only specific phones that ring
when an incoming call is received on an external line,
that way care staff don’t have to deal with incoming
When reception is unmanned at night, then the
following procedure should be used
from the reception
phone (normally only extension 200) -
1. Press the Night Service button
2. Press “3”
3. The light on the Night Service button will now be
4. Incoming calls will now ring multiple phones
throughout the building, including the DECT
cordless phones
To deactivate the Night Service function
from the
reception phone
1. Press the Night Service button
2. Press “1”
3. The light on the Night Service button will now go
4. Incoming calls will now only ring specific
phones, e.g. reception and admin
Ringer Volume
To adjust the ringer volume –
o Press
and hold the Vol to increase ringer
volume or Vol to decrease the ringer volume.
o Release the button at the desired volume level
Answer the
front door
Depending on the layout of the property the phone
display will show the caller ID as
“Front door” or
“Inner door” or
“Outer door”
Once you have spoken to the visitor you can then
unlock the door from the telephone by slowly
pressing the # button 3 times, i.e.
# (pause)
# (pause)
You will hear the intercom unit beep in the earpiece
once it accepts the door open command (# # #)
Now hang up the phone by replacing the handset.