Electric Keyboard Owner's Manual

Maintenance Application 99
Pro program. Please contact your TEC Dealer if you want to be able to communicate with an electronic
There are several types of electronic scales commonly used in retail sales. Some scales are directly
attached to the front end terminal, used to weigh produce at check out time.
Scales used by the front
end terminal rely on the standard Maintenance application item table programming, and do not
use the scale table programming
Some scales are used to produce scannable item labels for pre-packed bulk goods. In this situation,
the items must be programmed in the Scale table. Combined with programming from the Item table for
Symphony POS terminals (price, cost, etc.) the scale table programming can be sent to the electronic
scale at "deploy" time.
This example shows a Scale table record.
Scale Table Fields
Remember that the scale table only contains the specialized fields for scalable items. The scale
table data for items is combined with standard item programming form other item tables, such as the
price, cost sub-department etc.
Item code:
The scalable item's code is normally the same code as in the item table.
To establish communication with an electronic scanner, the device must be a target, and be
part of a target group. Because the Maintenance application does not include communication drivers
for electronic scales, the target record programming must include a reference to the proprietary device
Product Description:
This is often a list of ingredients used by the electronic scale to produce a label
when weighed.