Electric Keyboard Owner's Manual

Symphony Pro User Manual
This example shows a Totalizer table record.
totalizer number
determines the section and position of each total on the default report system
included with Symphony Pro.
is used by the report program to print the description of each total on the report.
Alternate descriptor
is used on receipts and reports when the second language is called by operator
or by customer.
determines which report database will be updated when the totalizer is used. The file names are
internal to Symphony Pro, and were programmed at installation time. We suggest that you consult your
TEC Dealer if you require specialized reports.
Debit, credit
General Ledger
are all used to output data for an accounting system. This requires
a special interface. If you wish to send report data to your accounting package, please contact your
TEC Dealer.
Report Section
: Symphony Pro reports make use of "sections", for example, a portion of the report
may show the negative transactions that reduce net totals.
Tlzr sequence
: This number is used to sort the report section. If more than one record has the same
sequence number, they will show up together, ordered by their totalizer numbers.
Report formula
: Symphony Pro uses this field internally to perform special calculations, or format the
font behaviour of this report line.
In order to use the Client / Sub-department report, or to obtain sub-department or department
totals on the Cashier sales report, you need to make some adjustments to the function table and add
records to the totalizer table. Totalizer 5000 plays a special role in relation to those reports. It acts as a
template in a sense. Data is captured whenever the PLU function is used, or when the sub-department
function is used, or when a department function is used. In order to capture sub-department data in the
Cashier report database you need to instruct Symphony POS to generate that data. It does not occur