Electric Keyboard Owner's Manual

Symphony Pro User Manual
field from another tab in the PLU maintenance screen by right-clicking on that field. Return to the quick
page and click on the form to place the selected field. Several fields are only displaying results that
have been calculated. For example, the unit cost is a calculation derived by dividing the base cost by
the case pack size. You cannot place a calculated field by right-clicking it. You must select this type of
field from the drop-down list located in the yellow banner area when the quick page editor is selected.
You may also set your preferred tabbing order for navigation on the quick page.
4.4.2 Other File Options
Other Dynamic File Menu Options
Not all tables have utilities or additional options in the "File" menu. If there are no tests or other options
for a table, the File menu usually only contains the "Close" option to close the table, saving all
: When the sub-department table is open for editing, the Maintenance application's
"File" menu changes to include an option to test the sub-departments
Unreferenced Departments
: Although the Maintenance application has drop down lists to allow you to
select the correct department for a sub-department, you can also enter the department record number
manually. This makes it possible to enter a non-existent department as a link. The system will emit a
warning, but does not stop you from continuing. Use this test to find any sub-departments that are
programmed with a department number that does not exist in the department table. If there are un-
referenced departments, the sub-department will appear in a list. You can then either correct the entry,