Electric Keyboard Owner's Manual

Maintenance Application 59
jurisdiction that accepts food stamps.
USA only: Women, Infant, Children
) Select the WIC flag if this item can be paid for by WIC
Prohibit Discount:
Select this flag to stop the POS operator from applying a discount to this item. The
item will also be excluded from the running discountable total or from the account discount subtotal.
Prohibit Quantity:
Select this flag if the POS multiplication function cannot be used with this item.
Operators often use a quantity function for similarly priced items although the products have different
PLU codes. This can falsify the sales and stocking quantities of the related items.
Select this flag if a quantity entry is required before the item can be sold. This is
often the case for items sold, for example, at 3/$1.00 and when the cashiers are unsure whether
scanning one item will ring 3 items for $1.00 or 1 item at 34 cents.
Price Required:
This item status creates an "
" item. It means that the item will behave like
a sub-department, forcing the cashier to manually enter a price for the item.
Visual Verify:
Select this flag when price confirmation is required before an item is accepted. The
programmed price is displayed, prompting the cashier to accept or change the price. This can be
helpful in businesses that often negotiate the price of an item at the time of sale.
Not for Sale:
Use this flag to restrict the sale of this item temporarily, as in the case of seasonal items
not available year-round. This allows you to leave the PLU in the Item table, but not allow POS
operators to inadvertently sell the item.
This flag is used to exclude the sales of this product from the store's Net and Total sales.
This is sometimes the case for items or departments used for bottle sales, lottery returns, etc.
Gas PLU:
This flag is used to calculate the quantity sold whenever an amount is entered. The result is
computed by dividing the amount entered by the preset price. The gas volume can be changed from
liters to gallons as required.
This flag defines that the product is sold by weight read from the POS scale. This flag
should not be selected for pre-packaged and pre-priced items such as items weighed and labeled for
scanning at the POS.
Manual Weight:
Select this flag to allow a manual weight entry for this product.
Certain situations may require an item price to be changed when it is being rung
through for sale. Select this flag for items that you need to permit price override on. It is possible to
restrict the usage of the price override button by operator level.
No Repeat:
Select this flag to prohibit the repeat function with this item.
Select this flag to prohibit refund of this product code. The POS will prevent the cashier
from entering the item's code and pressing the refund function.
Select this flag to prohibit return or exchange of this product code. The point of sale will
prevent the cashier from entering the item's code and using the return function.
This flag is used to determine that the item is used to refund a bottle deposit amount. It
is compulsory to select the
bottle link
flag for this flag to function. The bottle return amount is the
value of the bottle link assigned in the
bottle link
flag. Any price assigned to the item will be ignored.
The Multi Purpose Flag (used for varying needs, hence the name multi-purpose.)