Electric Keyboard Owner's Manual

Symphony Pro User Manual
2 About Symphony Pro application
The Symphony Pro Software application is designed as the back office controller for Symphony POS
front end terminals and TEC ECRs. Together, they represent
INFORMATION SYSTEMS, INC.'s most recent store
management tools. Symphony Pro is the core
application for back office control, acting as the centralized data storage, programming interface,
communication center, event scheduler, and office application launcher. As the core of the store
system, Symphony Pro is designed to run continuously on at least one station in the network. This
allows it to execute scheduled events, for example sending item prices to all front end Symphony POS
terminals and TEC ECRs.
Data Storage
Symphony Pro uses a relational database system to maintain all system information. Conventional
databases often use single records that contain all information about a specific data type in a set
number of fields. This limits the amount of information that can be kept for a data type. If new
information is required, fields must be added. For example, if you keep customer information, a
conventional database record might have two (2) possible telephone number fields. If a third telephone
number field becomes necessary, the entire database must be changed to accept the new information.
Relational databases use table sets to link information, allowing for far greater flexibility. As with any
database, each data type must have a unique identifier to distinguish it from other data items of the
same type. By combining two or more unique identifiers, it is possible to keep multiple values for a
single data type. For example, if you sell items at different price levels, you need to keep many prices
for the same item. Instead of adding price fields, the relational system allows you to have a price level
table with as many levels as required. By combining the unique item code and the price level, it is
possible to create a new unique record for each price for the item in the price table.
As with any critical data system, security is always an issue. Symphony Pro offers configurable
security "levels" so that users can only access functions that are available to their assigned security
level. For example, you probably want the store manager to be allowed to add / remove items, but
cashiers should not be allowed. When a user logs into the system, they can only activate or use
options that their security level allows them.