Electronic Cash Register Owner's Manual

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This operation is used to record the cash amounts and food stamps loaned from the store as the change
reserve in the drawer.
(must be operated outside a sale)
[R/A] | Cash Amount Loaned | [AT/TL] ([ST]) [AT/TL]
| Food Stamp Amount Loaned | [FSTL TEND]
The no-sale transaction is used to open the cash drawer without relating to any sales, such as for giving
change, testing the receipt/journal print condition, etc.
(must be operated outside a sale)
[NS]........ The drawer opens and a No-sale receipt is issued.
NOTE: The print format samples in this manual are not copies of actual receipts printed on an ECR
but are merely indications of print formats. In those format samples, the bold-face
characters indicate Double-sized Characters on actual receipts issued by the ECR. Also
note that each Double-sized Character on actual receipts will be printed at the position half-
character space rightward more than in the print format samples in this manual.
To read the loan total
so far enterd.
Repeatable to add up amounts.
* L O A N *
CASH $20.00
CASH $10.00
CASH $35.00
SUBTL $65.00
TOTAL $ 6 5 . 0 0
JONES 0095 15:59TM
PHONE : 87-6437
Open 8:00am to 7:00pm
Closed : every Wednesday
19-12-1994 MON #3001
* N O S A L E *
JONES 0085 15:59TM
Register No.
No-sale Receipt Header
Current Time
Date (Month-Day-Year order in this sample)
Max. 3 lines of Commercial Message
Max. 4 lines of Store
Name/Message (a rubber
stamp may replace it)
Name of the Cashier who
is operating the register.
-- Receipt Print Format --
Consecutive No.
Loan Receipt Header
Amounts loaned
Total amount loaned
-- Receipt Print Format --