TEC Electronic Cash Register Owner's Manual

5.1 PLU Table Addition/Change/Deletion with DLL (Submode 63)
Through the Keyboard
Submode No.
Executes DLL.
by this line
is the same
as the
operation in
Submode 4.
Repeat for any
address within
the same PLU
by re-entry for
Repeat for
63 [X] |Address Nos| [#]
for sequential-coded item only
Address 2: PLU Name
2 [ST]
Address 1: Link Department
1 [ST]
Address 3: 1st Preset Price
3 [ST]
Address 4: 2nd Preset Price
4 [ST]
Address 5: 3rd Preset Price
5 [ST]
|Department Code| [#]
(1 to 99)
Character Entries [ST]
max. 16 characters
|Price| [#]
(max. 6 digits)
|Price| [#]
(max. 6 digits)
|Price| [#]
(max. 6 digits)
|Price| [#]
(max. 6 digits)
|Price| [#]
(max. 6 digits)
|Unit Weight Table| [#]
1 to 11
Address 6: 4th Preset Price
6 [ST]
Address 7: 5th Preset Price
7 [ST]
|PLU Code|
Address 8: PLU Status 1
8 [ST]
Address 9: PLU Status 2
9 [ST]
[AT/TL] (to complete this submode)
Address 10: Tax Status
10 [ST]
|Status Code to ON| [#]
|Status Code to ON| [#]
|Tare Table No.| [#]
1 to 9
|Tax Code| [#]
Address 17: Tare Table
17 [ST]
|Display Menu Table No.| [#]
(max. 10 digits)
|PLU Group Code| [#]
(1 to 99)
|Set Menu Table No.| [#]
(1 to 50)
Address 11: PLU Group
11 [ST]
Address 18: Unit Weight
18 [ST]
Address 12: Set Menu Table
12 [ST]
Address 13: Display Menu Table
13 [ST]
Address 14: Stock Quantity
14 [ST]
|Stock Quantity| [#]
(0 to 9999.99)
Address 15: Minimum Stock Quantity
15 [ST]
|Minimum Stock Quantity| [#]
(0 to 9999.99)
|Tax Code| [#]
(max. 4 digits)
Address 16: Takeout Tax Status
16 [ST]