User Guide

Toshiba Corporation
Toshiba Corporation
persons, and removing any proprietary notices, labels or marks
from the Software is strictly prohibited, except as expressly
permitted in this EULA. Furthermore, you hereby agree not to
create derivative works based on the Software.
2. Copyright. The Software is licensed, not sold. You
acknowledge that no title to the intellectual property in the
Software is or will be transferred to you. You further
acknowledge that title and full ownership rights to the Software
will remain the exclusive property of Toshiba, Toshiba's
affiliates, and/or their suppliers, and you will not acquire any
rights to the Software, except as expressly set out in this EULA.
You may keep a backup copy of the Software only so far as
necessary for its lawful use. All copies of the Software must
contain the same proprietary notices as contained in the
Software and are subject to the terms of this EULA. All rights not
expressly granted under this EULA are reserved to Toshiba,
Toshiba's affiliates and/or their suppliers.
3. Reverse Engineering. You agree that you will not attempt,
and if you are a business organisation, you will use your best
efforts to prevent your employees, workers and contractors
from attempting, to reverse engineer, decompile, modify,
translate or disassemble the Software in whole or in part except
to the extent that such actions cannot be excluded by