User Guide

7. Enter the required information. Refer to
Creating a GPRS connection for details.
8. Tap Finish.
Using a specific connection to
connect to the chosen networks
You must define a specific connection to the chosen
networks, to connect your Toshiba phone to the
correct access point for a particular data transfer
To use a specific connection to connect to chosen
1. From the Today screen, tap Start > S
2. Tap the Connections tab.
3. Tap Connections.
4. Tap Set up my proxy server in the My Work
Network section.
5. Tap the Advanced... button.
6. Tap the proxy type to change, and enter the
relevant information.
7. Tap ok.
Bluetooth has three modes: Off, On and Visible.
When Bluetooth is set to On, your Toshiba phone
will be connected to the devices it is already paired
with, but will not be visible to new devices. In
Visible mode your Toshiba phone will perform in
the On state, but it will also be visible to new
devices within range, and you will also be able to
receive data from other devices.
Switching Bluetooth on and off
By default Bluetooth is switched off. If you switch it
on, and then switch your Toshiba phone off,
Bluetooth will also be switched off. When you switch
on your phone again, Bluetooth will switch on
To switch Bluetooth on/off:
1. From the Today screen, tap Start > S
2. Tap the Connections tab.
3. Tap Bluetooth.
NOTE: Use the same method to select the
connection to use for the WAP network.
NOTE: The My Work Network connection is
used if you are planning to use a VPN
connection. Page 97 Thursday, January 24, 2008 10:08 AM