User`s manual

Installation Appendix
How to Use
Defi nitions in
Confi guration
The Network camera supports recording on network storage. Setting up editing
recording is the same as in application page. Recording name, status, weekly and
time schedule, stream source and destination of recording must be entered. There
can be at most two recording entries. To record on network storage, add the network
storage server in application page fi rst.
<url> http://<Network Camera>/setup/recording.htm
<Network Camera> is the domain name or original IP address of the Network
“Recording name” Unique name for recording entry.
“Enable this recording” Check to enable this event.
“Priority” The recording with higher priority will be executed fi rst.
“Source” Select the source of the stream: stream 1 or stream 2.
Weekly and Time Schedule Settings.
“Sat” Select the days of the week.
“Time” Select “Always” or input the time interval.
“Destination” Select the network storage server.
“Max. recording capacity” Total size for cycle recording in Kbytes.
“File size for each recording” Single fi le size in Kbytes.
“File Name Prefi x The prefi x name will be added on the fi le name of the recording.