Telephone User Manual

Using Companion Applications
IPedge UG 06/11
In the expanded view, the “My Status” icon is a special icon that shows your
status in the ACD group (logged in, logged out, busy, in wrap-up, etc.), and
when you right-click on your icon you can change your status or perform a
function. The options provided are:
Log In – this will log you into this ACD group.
Log In and Take Calls – (supervisor only) – This allows a supervisor to
simultaneously log in as a supervisor and as an agent (to take calls).
Log Out – this will log you out of this ACD group.
Make Me Available – If you are set to ’unavailable’ or are in ’wrap-up’, this
will change you to ’available’ status.
Make Me Unavailable – you can select this to make yourself ’unavailable’
– a list of unavailable message choices will be provided.
Request Help Call to Supervisor – while you are on an ACD call, you can
use this to initiate a request for a help call to a supervisor in the ACD
group. This is further explained below.