Recording Equipment User Manual

Beep on Login Fail Enables the IPR to beep continuously in response to a failed login attempt. Only an authorized login will stop
the beeping.
Sequence Setting Allows the video out picture to automatically cycle through channels at a set speed. Ex: .Cycle through
channels 1-6 at 4 second intervals.
Voice Warning
The IPR allows users to play a sound file when either a Motion event or Sensor event occur. This file can be a custom created sound
file that is unique to the application. The selected WAV file is played through speakers attached to the IPR.
1. Click the Open Sound File icon to browse for a WAV file. The selected file will display in the box on the left.
2. Click the Test icon to verify the audio file.
3. Select Motion Event and/or Sensor Event to trigger the audio file.
Open Sound File
Enable Audio Recording
Adjust / Mute Volume