Owner manual

From this menu, you can set the RF input configuration.
a Press and B / b to highlight Installation
b Press c and B / b to select Channel Tuning and
press OK.
c Press B / b to select Ant/Cable/Satellite and
press OK.
d Press B / b to select Antenna, Cable or
e Press B / b to highlight Next and press OK.
NOTE: When you attempt to change the Ant/
Cable/Satellite setting, a warning message will
appear followed by PIN entry (if PIN has been set)
and a prompt for Auto Tuning.
f When Ant/Cable/Satellite is set to Cable, the
following setting options will be provided in the
Auto Tuning screen.
B / b to select an item and press c and B /
b to select your desired option.
With the exception of DTV Scan Type and DTV
Modulation items, all of the following items will have 2
operating modes. The first is Auto where the values for
each item are preset by the system. The second is an
Input mode where you will be able to enter a single value
in place of the pre-set value. If no channel is currently
tuned and the Input state is chosen, a system default
value will be shown. However, if a channel is currently
tuned when the item is accessed, the value of the current
channel will be displayed.
Operator Selection:
You can choose the Cable operator depending on the
Country you set.
DTV Scan Type:
This item determines whether a Quick Scan or a Full
Scan will be executed.
The Quick Scan is a simplified version of the Full Scan
that is designed to complete in less time.
DTV Start Frequency:
This sets the frequency from which the scan will begin.
DTV End Frequency:
This sets the frequency at which the scan will end.
DTV Modulation:
You can choose from six QAM modulation settings.
DTV Symbol Rate:
This is the baud rate (KS/s) of the scan.
DTV Network ID:
This is the Network ID to be utilized for the scan. This item
is greyed out when DTV Scan Type is set to “Full Scan”.
Ant/Cable/Satellite (if available)
Tuning Mode DTV and ATV
Auto Tuning - Cable
Start Scan
Operator Selection Others
Scan Type Quick Scan
Start Frequency Auto
End Frequency Auto
Modulation Auto
Symbol Rate Auto
Network ID Auto