Owner manual

NOTE: When the DHCP function of the router connected
to this TV is Off, set Auto Setup to Off, and manually set
the DNS address(es). Your internet service provider
should have provided these to you.
Auto setup
a In the Network menu, press B / b to select
Network Setup and press OK.
b Press B / b to select Advanced Network Setup
and press OK.
c Press B / b to select DNS Setup and press OK.
d Press B / b to highlight Auto Setup and press c
B / b to select On.
NOTE: Other items will be greyed out when Auto Setup
is set to On.
Manual setup
a In the Network menu, press B / b to select
Network Setup and press OK.
b Press B / b to select Advanced Network Setup
and press OK.
c Press B / b to select DNS Setup and press OK.
d Press B / b to select Auto Setup and press c
B / b to select Off.
e Press B / b to select Primary DNS Address.
f Press C / c to highlight the field you want to
change, and then use the number buttons to input
the Primary DNS Address. To save the setting,
press OK.
NOTE: DNS address field numbers must be
between 0 and 255. If you input an incompatible
number and press OK, the field number will reset
to the maximum value(255).
g Press B / b to select Secondary DNS Address,
and edit in the same way as Primary DNS Address.
MAC Address
You can view the fixed MAC address for the TV (Wired
and Wireless).
a In the Network menu, press B / b to select
Network Setup and press OK.
b Press B / b to select Advanced Network Setup
and press OK.
c Press B / b to select MAC Address and press
This function checks the Internet connectivity.
a In the Network menu, press B / b to select
Network Setup and press OK.
b Press B / b to select Network Connection Test
and press OK.
A message will appear to indicate if the connection
was successful or if it could not be completed.
NOTE: The result of Network Connection Test
does not always guarantee the connection.
To cancel the Network Connection Test:
a Press EXIT while testing.
DNS Setup
Auto Setup
Primary DNS Address
Secondary DNS Address
DNS Setup
xxx xxx xxx xxx
xxx xxx xxx xxx
Network Connection Test