
TUBE GX16t-5
Their 40,000-hour lifespan is double that of
conventional uorescent lamps.
An external LED driver ensures especially high
The modules can be easily integrated into your
existing lighting system.
They impress thanks to an approximately 1.7 x
greater lumen output than conventional LED
lamps with integrated drivers.
The E-CORE LED TUBE GX16t-5 are more than
just a competitively priced entry-level model. Their
output and optimal performance are just as impres-
sive as other innovative LED concepts from Toshiba.
And because their ttings are identical to those of
conventional uorescent lamps, using them is parti-
cularly easy.
Do you wish to present your sales area in an im-
pressive way? This is also easily achieved with
the E-CORE LED TUBE GX16t-5, because they are
available in all lengths and a great variety of colours.
The choice is yours! Choose modern LED technology
that is durable, highly ecient, and that features full
luminance immediately after being switched on.
Toshiba leads the eld when it comes to environ-
mental protection. So it is no surprise that the
E-CORE LED TUBE GX16t-5 impress through top
performance and are competitively priced.
It‘s the ideal time for a switch-over – don‘t you think?
An innovation is conquering
oces, presentation areas,
and production sites.
THE LED evolution for
Every feature of the E-CORE LED
TUBE GX16t-5 represents a good
External LED driver
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